1280px-Tetrapylon_Palmyraregesta (www.regesta.com), the italian company focused on management of the Cultural Heritage and main support of the xDams O.S. Project, has released a new version of  the platform. The version 3.1.0 has been dedicated to Palmyra, the ancient semitic city of Syria, and it contains a very stimulating innovation for professionals involved in preserving the Cultural Heritage.

Today xDams application makes available a new data structure, for describing museum objects, totally compliant with LIDO (Lightweight Information Describing Objects). This standard supported by ICOM (International Council on Museum) and it is conceived as common language for encode information about items delivered by Museums Institutions.LIDO_logo_main_240x153_bg-white

The use of LIDO in xDams started within a successful cooperations with the Pratt Institute. The students of Art Documentation course, of Cristina Pattuelli, experimented a first version of the data structure. Now we deliver a beta version, combining the results of the laboratory activities with the experience gained over the years, since 2008, with the use of ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione) italian standards, as part of xDams projects for the description and publication of archives of artistic, iconographic, cultural objects.

banner-archives-cloud-enAll the museum institutions and every other user  can experiment LIDO by requesting a free account on our hosting services

The Archives Cloud        (http://www.thearchivescloud.com)

or by downloading the last version of xDams OS package.



(picture by High Contrast on Wikipedia released under CC BY 3.0 de license)